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Matthias Krönke

Analysis unit
Matthias Krönke is a researcher in the Afrobarometer Analysis Unit.


Matthias Krönke is a researcher in the Afrobarometer Analysis Unit. He completed his PhD in political science at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa in 2023.
He studies Comparative Politics and Political Behavior, focusing on how political institutions enhance democratic accountability and facilitate human development. Specifically, he is interested in the internal organisation of political parties as well as legislatures, and how their representatives affect processes of democratisation and development. In a related line of inquiry, he also focuses on how governments, political parties, and citizens deal with the challenge of climate change.


Policy paper
PP92: Learning from experience: Are African governments prepared for another pandemic?
10 Jun 2024
Policy paper
PP92: Les enseignements du passé : Les gouvernements africains sont-ils prêts à affronter une nouvelle pandémie ?
10 Jun 2024
Policy paper
PP91: La santé pour tous et partout ?
8 Apr 2024
Policy paper
PP91: Health for everyone, everywhere?
4 Apr 2024
Policy paper
PP90: Forces de l’ordre ?
29 Jan 2024
Policy paper
PP90: Law enforcers or law breakers?
29 Jan 2024
Policy paper
PP89: Value for money?
25 Oct 2023
AD717: Alors que les changements climatiques aggravent leurs conditions de vie, les Africains attendent des parties prenantes qu’ils intensifient leurs efforts
18 Oct 2023
AD717: With climate change making life worse, Africans expect governments and other stakeholders to step up
16 Oct 2023
Policy paper
PP88: Brutality and corruption undermine trust in Uganda’s police: Can damage be undone?
10 Aug 2023
External publication
Party footprints in Africa: Measuring local party presence across the continent
18 May 2021
Policy paper
PP83: As local government councils proliferate, Ugandans voice growing dissatisfaction with councillors
6 Dec 2022
Policy paper
PP81: Unresponsive and corrupt? Ugandan MPs hold key to how citizens perceive them
25 Aug 2022
Policy paper
PP79: Broad support for multiparty elections, little faith in electoral institutions: Uganda in comparative perspective
11 Feb 2022
Working paper
WP190: Mapping state capacity in Africa: Professionalism and reach
24 Jan 2022
Working paper
WP186: Party footprints in Africa: Measuring local party presence across the continent
2 Oct 2020
Policy paper
PP66: Africa’s digital divide and the promise of e-learning
15 Jun 2020
Policy paper
PP63: Dividende démocratique: Vers une éducation de qualité en Afrique
21 Apr 2020
Policy paper
PP63: Democratic dividend: The road to quality education in Africa
21 Apr 2020
AD296: Police in Zimbabwe: Helping hand or iron fist?
6 May 2019
Policy paper
PP52: Bounded autonomy: What limits Zimbabweans’ trust in their courts and electoral commission?
7 Dec 2018
AD240: Ill-prepared? Health-care service delivery in Zimbabwe
4 Oct 2018
Working paper
WP181: Do electoral systems affect how citizens hold their government accountable? Evidence from Africa
8 May 2018
AD44: Trends in attitudes toward foreigners in South Africa, 1997-2011
8 Jun 2022