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AD927: En Guinée, les populations riveraines des zones minières ne sont pas forcément les mieux loties
Les zones minières sont moins dotées de services publics et d’infrastructures que les zones non minières.
AD925 : Les Nigériens réclament plus d’actions du gouvernement sur les changements climatiques
Une majorité des citoyens déclarent que leur région a connu de sécheresses (73%) et d'inondations (62%) plus intenses au cours de la dernière décennie
AD913: Les Gabonais sont insatisfaits des efforts de leur gouvernement pour l’accès à l’électricité, à l’eau et à l’assainissement
La plupart des Gabonais ont régulièrement manqué d’eau potable au cours des 12 derniers mois, et beaucoup n’ont toujours pas accès à une électricité f
AD912: Despite government efforts, most Ugandans still lack reliable electricity
Rural residents and poor citizens contend with largest shortfalls in energy provision.
AD892: Kenyans applaud government on electricity provision, but many rural and poor households still lack access to the grid
Majority of citizens support investment in wind and solar technologies, even if it leads to higher electricity prices.
AD849: Namibians grow more dissatisfied with government’s efforts on electricity provision
Fewer than four in 10 citizens enjoy a reliable supply of power.
Majority of Kenyans call for government investment in climate resilient infrastructure, wind and solar energy
News release
AD826: Emaswati applaud government’s provision of electricity, though reliability issues remain
About six in 10 Emaswati (59%) enjoy a reliable supply of electricity, including just 45% of those experiencing high levels of lived poverty.
AD823: Poor and rural Mozambicans hit hard by lack of access, connection to electricity grid
Majority of citizens say their government is doing a poor job of providing a reliable supply of electricity.
AD814: Nigerians lack reliable electricity, leaving most discontent with government’s efforts
Only 13% of citizens say they have power that works ‘most’ or ‘all’ of the time.