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AD933: Youth priorities in Seychelles: The economy and drug abuse
Young citizens are more positive than their elders in their appraisals of the economy, their living conditions, and prospects for improvement.
AD929: Ugandans give government mixed marks on education, see it as a priority to address
More than half voice dissatisfaction with their district or city council’s efforts to provide education services at the local level.
AD925: Nigeriens seek more government action on climate change
Large majorities say their region has seen more intense droughts and floods during the past decade.
De nombreux Africains rencontrent des difficultés et un manque de respect dans l’accès aux services publics, selon le nouveau Pan-Africa Profile d’Afrobarometer
Communiqué de presse
AD924: Malawians oppose corporal punishment, see lack of support services for vulnerable children
Fewer than half say help is available for children who have been abused or neglected, have physical disabilities, or have mental health problems.
AD923: Dignity and respect in African public service delivery: A hidden driver of the global promise to leave no one behind
Youth and poor people are particularly likely to report difficulty and disrespectful treatment when accessing services.
AD923: Dignité et respect dans les services publics en Afrique : Facteur invisible de l’engagement mondial de ne laisser personne pour compte
Les jeunes et les personnes pauvres sont particulièrement susceptibles de rencontrer des difficultés et un traitement irrespectueux.
AD922: La plupart des Camerounais n’ont pas d’assurance maladie et s’inquiètent de ne pas pouvoir se faire soigner en cas de besoin
La majorité des citoyens veulent que le gouvernement assure un accès universel aux soins de santé.
Mauritians support access to contraceptives regardless of age and demand more action to protect women and girls
News release
AD920: Ugandans support sex education in schools but oppose contraceptives for youth
Most say police and courts need to do more to protect girls and women from discrimination and harassment.