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AD870: Liberians see unfair relief distribution and corruption as marring government’s competent response to COVID-19
Most citizens say the government needs to invest more in preparations for future health emergencies.
AD868: Ugandans applaud government’s COVID-19 response but suspect pervasive corruption
Most citizens are dissatisfied with provision of pandemic-related relief to vulnerable households.
Health, cost of living, and unemployment are top priorities for Kenyan youth, latest Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
AD859: Les Camerounais approuvent la gestion de la pandémie mais restent réfractaires aux vaccins
Seul un quart des citoyens déclarent faire confiance au gouvernement pour garantir l'innocuité des vaccins COVID-19.
AD859: Cameroonians approve of pandemic response but dubious about vaccines
Only about one in four citizens say they trust the government to ensure the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
Les Gabonais pensent que les contraceptifs devraient être accessibles à tous, peu importe le statut matrimonial ou l’âge
Communiqué de presse
AD847: Kenyans applaud government’s COVID-19 response, but want more relief for the vulnerable
More than half of households report losing a primary source of income due to the pandemic.
AD844: Basotho overwhelmingly lack medical aid, support government provision of universal health coverage
Majority say they worry ‘a lot’ about obtaining or affording medical care when they need it.
AD842: Mozambicans praise government’s COVID-19 response but claim unfair distribution of aid
Majority say the government should invest more in preparations for future health emergencies.
AD840: Namibians support women’s autonomy, sex education, and access to contraception, but are divided on termination of pregnancies
Most citizens say girls who get pregnant should be allowed to continue their education.