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Showing 151 – 160 of 204
Malawi climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Malawi.
Lesotho climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Lesotho.
Kenya climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Kenya.
Ghana climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Ghana.
Sierra Leone climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Sierra Leone.
Angola climate change country card
The people's perspective on climate change in Angola.
Nigerians look to government to limit harmful effects of climate change
News release
AD567: La lutte contre la pollution incombe au citoyen ordinaire et au gouvernement selon les Gabonais
La grande majorité des citoyens affirment que l'extraction des ressources naturelles devrait être réglementée plus étroitement.
AD562: Os Angolanos dizem que o governo deve agir sobre as alterações climáticas, mesmo que seja caro
Os cidadãos também querem ação climática de empresas e indústrias, países desenvolvidos e pessoas comuns.
AD562: Angolans say government must act on climate change, even if it’s expensive
Citizens also want climate action from business and industry, developed countries, and ordinary people.