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Showing 51 – 60 of 997
AD830: Emaswati call on government and fellow citizens to tackle the ‘serious problem’ of pollution
Nearly two-thirds of citizens endorse tighter regulation of natural resource extraction to reduce its negative impact on the environment.
AD829: Les Guinéens demandent plus dans la promotion de l’égalité des genres
La majorité des citoyens adhèrent aux principes d’égalité en matière d’accès au foncier, à l’emploi et aux postes politiques.
AD828: Emaswati youth rank unemployment top of the priority list, think greater efforts are needed
Government gets failing marks on job creation and other youth concerns.
AD827: Seychellois feel safe, but see police falling short of professional conduct
Majority of citizens give their government poor marks on fighting crime.
AD826: Emaswati applaud government’s provision of electricity, though reliability issues remain
About six in 10 Emaswati (59%) enjoy a reliable supply of electricity, including just 45% of those experiencing high levels of lived poverty.
AD825: Les Togolais réclament plus en matière de service de santé de base
Plus des trois quarts des citoyens déclarent qu'un membre de leur famille a manqué de soins médicaux au cours de l'année précédente.
AD824: Emaswati support media’s watchdog role, insist on media freedom
Only one in four citizens say their country has a free press.
AD823: Poor and rural Mozambicans hit hard by lack of access, connection to electricity grid
Majority of citizens say their government is doing a poor job of providing a reliable supply of electricity.
AD822: Batswana insist on media freedom, favor citizens’ right to government information
Only half see their country’s media as ‘somewhat’ or ‘completely’ free.
AD821: Access to justice? As public trust in courts declines, many Ugandans have their doubts
Only half of citizens feel confident that ordinary people can obtain justice in the courts.