Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz
Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz is an associate professor at Michigan State University and editor of the Afrobarometer Working Papers series.
Areas of interest
AD800 : Mutation du paysage médiatique d’Afrique : L’usage des médias numériques augmente, mais les fossés démographiques aussi
AD800: Africa’s shifting media landscapes: Digital media use grows, but so do demographic divides
Joint/partner publication
Confronting threats to civic spaces
External publication
The Squeeze on African Media Freedom
External publication
Fresh vigilance is needed to protect media freedom across Africa
External publication
Africans are concerned about ills of social media but oppose government restrictions
External publication
Restricting digital media is a gamble for African leaders
External publication
Nigeria’s Twitter ban could backfire, hurting the economy and democracy
AD509: Espoirs et périls : Dans un paysage médiatique en mutation, les Africains ambivalents face aux médias sociaux mais opposés aux restrictions de l’accès
AD509: Promise and peril: In changing media landscape, Africans are concerned about social media but opposed to restricting access
AD410: Espoirs et périls: Dans un paysage médiatique en mutation, les Africains ambivalents face aux réseaux sociaux mais opposés aux restrictions de l’accès
AD410: Promise and peril: In changing media landscape, Africans are concerned about social media but opposed to restricting access
Policy paper
PP56: Presse sous pression. Le soutien à la liberté des médias recule en Afrique
Policy paper
PP56: How free is too free? Across Africa, media freedom is on the defensive
Working paper
WP135: Museveni and the 2011 Ugandan election: Did the money matter?
Working paper
WP129: Mapping ideologies in African landscapes