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Showing 81 – 90 of 120
AD117: China ranks high as development model for Tunisia but trails France, U.S. in perceived influence
China ranks high as development model for Tunisia but trails France, U.S. in perceived influence
AD113: Zimbabweans strongly favour free cross-border movement but hold mixed views of SADC
Zimbabweans strongly favour free cross-border movement but hold mixed views of SADC
Why East and West Africans are in favour of integration, and others aren’t
As featured in The Conversation-Africa
AD91: Intégration régionale en Afrique: Un soutien public plus ferme pourrait-il transformer les discours en actes?
Dépêche No. 91 d’Afrobaromètre
Journée de l’Afrique: Un soutien public plus ferme pourrait-il faire de l’intégration régionale en Afrique une réalité?
Pour les partisans de l'intégration régionale en tant que vecteur de la puissance économique et politique de l'Afrique, les derniers résultats d'enquête d'Afrobaromètre suggèrent que beaucoup de citoyens ne sont toujours pas convaincus des avantages de l'intégration.
Africa Day: Could stronger public support move regional integration for Africa from rhetoric to reality?
For advocates of regional integration as a path toward economic and political power for Africa, Afrobarometer’s latest survey findings suggest that many citizens still need to be convinced of the benefits of integration.
Perceptions of democracy, political parties and freedom of movement in SADC
Findings from Afrobarometer Round 6 surveys in Swazilandin 2016.
Travel across borders for work and trade not an easy for Swazis
A large majority of Swazis (68%) support free movement across borders particularly for work and trade but significantly about a third (30%) were in favour of limiting movement across borders, according to the most recent Afrobarometer survey held in Swaziland.
AD93: Most Swazis say free cross-border movement desirable but not yet a reality
Most Swazis say free cross-border movement desirable but not yet a reality
AD91: Regional integration for Africa: Could stronger public support turn ‘rhetoric into reality’?
Regional integration for Africa: Could stronger public support turn ‘rhetoric into reality’?