Christiaan Keulder
National investigator
Christiaan Keulder is the national investigator for Namibia.
Christiaan Keulder is a research specialist with more than 25 years of experience with both qualitative and quantitative research projects in Namibia and Southern Africa. He has consulted widely and led many high-profile research teams working on projects in a number of fields that includes HIV/AIDS, Public Health, Monitoring and Evaluation, Traditional leadership, Elections, Democracy and Markets, and Financial Inclusion, Financial Capability, and Financial Education. His publications include three books, several book chapters and numerous research reports. He has been involved with the Afrobarometer since its start in 1999.
AD880: Namibians support equal access to jobs but say more needs to be done to protect women and girls from discrimination and harassment
AD840: Namibians support women’s autonomy, sex education, and access to contraception, but are divided on termination of pregnancies
AD635: Namibians see police falling short of professional conduct and respect for citizens’ rights
AD612: Ensuring children’s welfare remains a challenge in Namibia, especially for the poor
AD518: Namibians approve of government’s COVID-19 response, but many doubt vaccine safety
AD513: Amid progress on women’s rights, Namibians see gender-based violence as priority issue to address
AD510: Namibians look to government, one another for action on climate and environment
AD488: Africans see growing corruption, poor government response, but fear retaliation if they speak out
AD488: Les Africains jugent la corruption en hausse, craignent des représailles s’ils en parlent
AD421: Les Africains jugent la corruption en hausse, craignent des représailles s’ils en parlent
AD421: Africans see growing corruption, poor government response, but fear retaliation if they speak out
AD342: Free vs. false: Namibia’s changing media landscape presents tough choices for citizens
AD330: Party identification and trust are declining, but Namibians have not lost faith in voting
Working paper
WP47: Democracy without democrats? Results from the 2003 Afrobarometer survey in Namibia
Working paper
WP24: Democratic governance in South Africa: The people’s view
Working paper
WP15: Public opinion and the consolidation of democracy in Namibia