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News release
Ghanaians’ decry widespread corruption, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
News release
Os Cabo-Verdianos consideram que o país está a caminhar na direção errada
Comunicado de imprensa
News release
Zambians support high-quality elections and a two-term limit on presidential mandates, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
News release
Most Zambians prefer democracy despite decline in satisfaction with how it’s working, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
AD942: Ugandans dissatisfied with government efforts against corruption, but fear retaliation if they speak out
Two-thirds of citizens say corruption in the country is on the rise.
News release
Zimbabweans divided on president’s performance, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
AD926: Seychellois support media freedom, endorse access to information held by government
Only half of citizens say the country’s media is free.
AD921: Low on trust and satisfaction, South Africans want their MPs to listen
Seven in 10 citizens say elected officials should prioritise voter demands rather than their own ideas.
News release
Most Malawians see country as going in the wrong direction, say they’re ready to vote in 2025, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
News release
Majority of Zambians are aware of the Constituency Development Fund, but worry that projects benefit only a few
News release