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Showing 21 – 30 of 882
Ghanaians prioritise candidate honesty, character, and campaign promises in 2024 elections, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
Les Gabonais se disent libres d’exprimer leurs opinions, mais estiment que les médias ne jouissent pas d’une pleine liberté
Communiqué de presse
AD886: Most Ugandans struggle to access information on taxes they owe and how revenues are used
Fewer than half think the government uses tax revenues for the well-being of its citizens.
Os Angolanos dizem que a corrupção aumentou e que os cidadãos correm o risco de retaliação se a denunciarem, segundo dados recentes do Afrobarometer
Angolans say corruption has increased and citizens risk retaliation if they report it, new Afrobarometer study shows
News release
Les Gabonais toujours insatisfaits – mais dans une moindre mesure – de leur démocratie
Communiqué de presse
Les Guinéens souhaitent que leurs élus les écoutent et agissent en fonction de leurs attentes
Communiqué de presse
AD877: Mauritians approach election with diminished confidence in the freedom of their press
Citizens overwhelmingly favour a media that is free and holds government accountable.
AD876: Namibians express confidence in elections, but weakening trust in electoral commission
Trust in election management body has dropped by 29 percentage points over the past decade.
AD873: Ahead of 2024 polls, Mauritians value political competition, unsure about electoral commission
Only about half of citizens trust their election management body.