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AD824: Emaswati support media’s watchdog role, insist on media freedom
Only one in four citizens say their country has a free press.
L’engagement des Africains en faveur de la démocratie est miné par de mauvaises performances politiques, mais pas par des échecs économiques, révèle le premier rapport phare d’Afrobarometer
Communiqué de presse
Africans’ commitment to democracy undermined by poor political performance, but not economic failures, Afrobarometer inaugural flagship report reveals
News release
Aperçus africains 2024: La démocratie en danger – le point de vue du peuple
Le rapport phare d'Afrobarometer sur les aspirations et expériences démocratiques des citoyens africains
African insights 2024: Democracy at risk – the people’s perspective
Afrobarometer's flagship report on the democratic aspirations and experiences of African citizens
Zimbabwe: Country democracy scorecard
The people's perspective on democracy
Zambia: Country democracy scorecard
The people's perspective on democracy
Uganda: Country democracy scorecard
The people's perspective on democracy
Tanzania: Country democracy scorecard
The people's perspective on democracy
Sudan: Country democracy scorecard
The people's perspective on democracy