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News release

Zimbabweans prefer foreign investment to indigenisation for job creation

18 Mar 2015Zimbabwe

A majority of Zimbabwean citizens strongly support encouraging foreign direct investment in comparison with the indigenisation of the economy as a means to create jobs. An overwhelming majority (72%) subscribe to the sentiment that foreign direct investment is the way to go in terms of rejuvenating the Zimbabwean economy. Zimbabweans have over the past two years maintained their preference for encouraging job creation through foreign investment rather than the indigenisation of the economy by taking over foreign owned companies, despite the preference having dropped by six percentage points from 78% in 2012 to 72% in 2014.

News release

Zimbabweans pessimistic about economy and direction of the country

18 Mar 2015Zimbabwe

More than six in ten (63%) adult Zimbabweans think that the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to the most recent Afrobarometer survey (November 2014). This pessimistic outlook is shared across demographic groups of gender, age, place of residence (POR) and province though the depth of opinion differs. For example, while nearly three quarters of urban dwellers (73%) expressed pessimism, less than six in ten of their rural dwellers (58%) share this view and more males (67%) than females (60%) say the country is going the wrong way.