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L’influence de la Chine sur le Togo est perçue positivement
Selon la dernière enquête Afrobaromètre au Togo, les Togolais dans leur grande majorité reconnaissent que les activités économiques de la Chine influencent l’économie du Togo. De plus, l’influence des activités économiques et de la politique chinoises sont perçues majoritairement positive.
Les Togolais préfèrent le modèle américain mais reconnaissent l’influence positive de la Chine sur leur économie
Résultats du 6e tour de l’Afrobaromètre au Togo (2014).
Les Etats-Unis sont plus admirés par les Togolais, mais la France est plus influente
Un Togolais sur trois choisit le modèle de développement des Etats-Unis comme le meilleur pour le futur du Togo, selon la plus récente enquête nationale d’Afrobaromètre.
Zimbabweans support ban on teacher incentives but decry banning of extra lessons
More than half of the adult population in Zimbabwe (54%) think that the payment of teacher incentives (monetary and/or non-monetary) in schools in addition to their normal salaries and benefits is not justified and should therefore be banned. This is according to the results of the
most recent Afro barometer survey (November 2014). This verdict is common across demographic groups of gender, age and place of residence.
Zimbabweans largely ignorant of the 2013 Constitution
More than three quarters of Zimbabweans do not know about the Constitution enacted in May 2013 to replace the 33-year-old Lancaster House Charter. The new supreme law was overwhelmingly and peacefully approved in a referendum in March 2013 in which half of the adult population turned out to vote. Close to one and half years after this historic event, the latest Afro barometer survey in Zimbabwe reveals that more than three quarters of the country’s citizens (78%) either know nothing or very little about their national constitution.
Perda generalizada de confiança nas instituições em Cabo Verde
Os cabo-verdianos mostram-se menos confiantes nas suas instituições. Praticamente metade (49%) declararam que confiam nas instituições, o que indica uma perda de dez pontos percentuais, comparativamente aos dados divulgados em 2011.
A Qualidade da Democracia e da Governação em Cabo Verde Round 6
Resultados da Afrobarimetro Round 6 - Cabo Verde - 2014
Mauritians trust most institutions but still think corruption exist within them
Findings from the Round 6 Survey in Mauritius (2014).
Batswana want president, officials to account and declare assets amid perceived escalating corruption – results
Findings from Afrobarometer Round 6 surveys in Botswana.
Batswana want president, officials to account and declare assets amid perceived escalating corruption
Batswana express support for a law on declaration of assets and want the president and officials to appear before Parliament to account, according to the findings of the latest Afrobarometer survey. The survey, conducted in June 2014, also reveals that just over half of Batswana say that the level of corruption has increased over the past year.