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AD5: World AIDS Day: Most African governments win high marks for efforts to fight HIV/AIDS

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Key findings
  • Close to seven in 10 Africans (69%) perceive their governments to be doing a very good or fairly good job of combating HIV/AIDS in their country. But there are wide differences across countries: 94% of Batswana rate their government positively, compared to just 14% of Egyptians and 18% of Tunisians.
  • However, ratings of government performance in combating HIV/AIDs have dropped sharply since 2005 in Madagascar (down 34 percentage points), Ghana (13 points), and Tanzania (10 points).

HIVand AIDS remains the leading cause of death in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa, the hardest-hit region, is home to 71% of the world’s 35 million people living with HIV, including 91% of the world’s HIV-infected children. Despite these grim statistics, better access to antiretroviral treatment and in some areas, stable or declining HIV incidence and prevalence rates offer cause for hope.

Carolyn Logan

Carolyn is the director of analysis and capacity building at Afrobarometer.

Brian Howard

Brian is the head of publications at Afrobarometer

Samantha Richmond

Samantha Richmond is a researcher