Samantha Richmond
Samantha Richmond is a researcher
Samantha Richmond previously served as the Afrobarometer operations manager for capacity building based at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Areas of interest
Working paper
WP152: Are South Africa’s youth really a ‘ticking time bomb’?
Policy paper
PP4: L’inefficacité des gouvernements dans la lutte contre la corruption
Policy paper
PP4: Governments falter in fight to curb corruption
Policy paper
PP8: Le soutien pour l’égalité des femmes africaines prend de l’ampleur : L’éducation, l’emploi et la participation politique restent inégaux
Policy paper
PP8: Support for African women’s equality rises: Education, jobs and political participation still unequal
AD5: World AIDS Day: Most African governments win high marks for efforts to fight HIV/AIDS