Brian Howard
Network advisory council
Brian is the head of publications at Afrobarometer
Brian Howard joined Afrobarometer as publications manager in 2014 and until 2019 also served as acting head of communications. He is based in Dallas, Texas.
Brian was born in Iowa, grew up in Germany, and earned bachelor’s degrees in journalism and political science from Southern Methodist University. After two decades as a reporter and editor in Texas and a stint as a Peace Corps volunteer in the DRC (then Zaire), he earned a master’s degree in public health and worked as a senior HIV/AIDS adviser and project manager for PEPFAR (the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) in Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon (2005-2014)
Areas of interest
AD75: Hors réseau ou « marche-arrêt » : La majorité des Africains manquent d’électricité fiable
AD128: 50 ans après, la liberté d’association est bien ancrée en Afrique, quoique loin d’être absolue
External publication
About Afrobarometer
External publication
Lessons from COVID-19 in Africa: Crisis and opportunity
AD362: « Tous dans le même bateau »: Les Africains tolèrent les autres ethnies, religions, et nationalités, pas l’orientation sexuelle différente
AD362: ‘All in this together’: Africans tolerant on ethnic, religious, national, but not sexual differences
AD352: Même avant le COVID-19, plus de la moitié des Africains ont vécu le manque de soins de santé
AD352: Even before COVID-19, more than half of Africans experienced lack of needed health care
AD349: D’après la majorité des Africains, leurs gouvernements échouent dans l’alimentation en eau et l’assainissement
AD349: African governments failing in provision of water and sanitation, majority of citizens say
AD339: Religion en Afrique: Forte tolérance et confiance vis-à-vis des dirigeants, mais beaucoup admettraient le contrôle du discours religieux
AD339: Religion in Africa: Tolerance and trust in leaders are high, but many would allow regulation of religious speech
AD128: After 50 years, freedom of association is firmly established, though far from absolute, in Africa
AD75: Off-grid or ‘off-on’: Lack of access, unreliable electricity supply still plague majority of Africans
AD5: World AIDS Day: Most African governments win high marks for efforts to fight HIV/AIDS