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Showing 1381 – 1390 of 2075
PP39: Ambitious SDG goal confronts challenging realities: Access to justice is still elusive for many Africans
Policy Paper 39
AD133: A second spring for democracy in post-Mubarak Egypt? Findings from Afrobarometer
A second spring for democracy in post-Mubarak Egypt? Findings from Afrobarometer
AD132: Das pessoas, para as pessoas? Atitudes para a partilha da receita dos recursos em Moçambique
Das pessoas, para as pessoas? Atitudes para a partilha da receita dos recursos em Moçambique
AD132: Of the people, for the people? Attitudes toward sharing of resource revenues in Mozambique
Of the people, for the people? Attitudes toward sharing of resource revenues in Mozambique
Why opposition parties in southern Africa struggle to win power
As featured in The Conversation-Africa
PP38: Still no alternative? Popular views of the opposition in Southern Africa’s one-party dominant regimes
Policy Paper 38
AD131: Weak support and limited participation hinder women’s political leadership in North Africa
Weak support and limited participation hinder women’s political leadership in North Africa
PP37: Are Africans willing to pay higher taxes or user fees for better health care?
Policy Paper 37
AD130: Zimbabweans demand accountability in governance, doubt efficacy of elections
Zimbabweans demand accountability in governance, doubt efficacy of elections
AD129: En Guinée, l’intérêt à la vie politique est faible, mais la perception des libertés est forte
En Guinée, l’intérêt à la vie politique est faible, mais la perception des libertés est forte