Egypt has completed surveys with Afrobarometer in 2013 and 2015. Surveys are conducted in Arabic
Key stats
Data from the Round 6 survey in Egypt.
of Egytians believe women are treated unfairly by traditional leaders.
of Egyptians take pride in being Egyptians.
of Egyptians feel "completely free" to say what they think".
AD339: Religion en Afrique: Forte tolérance et confiance vis-à-vis des dirigeants, mais beaucoup admettraient le contrôle du discours religieux
Working paper
WP182: Is there an anti-politics of electricity? Access to the grid and reduced political participation in Africa
Working paper
WP180: Police-citizen interaction in Africa: An exploration of factors that influence victims’ reporting of crimes
News releases
News release
Le soutien à la démocratie demeure fort en Afrique, mais les « démocrates insatisfaits » qui peuvent garantir son futur sont peu
News release
Most Africans still want democracy, but fewer than one in six qualify as “dissatisfied democrats”
News release
Faire le point: Afrobaromètre suit les priorités publiques, les Objectifs de Développement Durable, et la performance gouvernementale en Afrique