- Fewer than half (47%) of Cabo Verdeans describe the country’s economic condition as “fairly good” or “very good,” unchanged from 2014 (Figure 1).
- The proportion of Cabo Verdeans who describe their personal living conditions as “fairly good” or “very good” has increased slightly compared to 2014, from 16% to 23% (Figure 2).
- Even though only 29% of Cabo Verdeans say the country’s economic condition has improved over the past 12 months, almost three-fourths (73%) are optimistic that things will be “better” or “much better” in 12 months’ time (Figure 3).
- The share of citizens who say the country is going in the wrong direction increased by 10 percentage points since 2014, from 46% to 56% (Figure 4).
- A majority of citizens say the government is performing “fairly badly” or “very badly” on creating jobs (84%), narrowing income gaps (77%), improving the living standards of the poor (76%), and managing the economy (64%) (Figure 5).
Cabo Verdeans offered a fairly gloomy assessment of their country’s economic situation, but most expected things to improve, according to an Afrobarometer survey.
The survey, in late 2019, found that few citizens thought economic conditions had improved over the previous year, and only a minority described their personal living conditions as good. A majority said the country was going in “the wrong direction.”
Most Cabo Verdeans gave their government poor marks on key economic issues, including job creation and poverty reduction. But a majority expressed optimism that economic conditions would improve over the next 12 months.