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Showing 391 – 400 of 507
Zimbabwe: The 2013 Constitution, government performance, teacher incentives and role of civil society
Findings from the Round 6 survey in Zimbabwe in 2014.
AD20: Zambians overwhelmingly disapprove of domestic violence and corporal punishment
Zambians overwhelmingly disapprove of domestic violence and corporal punishment
Les Togolais se prononcent sur la CENI, la diaspora et la décentralisation
Résultats du 6e tour de l’Afrobaromètre au Togo (2014).
South Africans bemoan the presence of foreigners in their spaces
The most recent attacks on foreigners in Soweto and Kagiso that resulted in the deaths of 6 people and the looting of over 70 foreign owned shops, raises critical questions about the security of foreigners in a country that prides itself in the philosophy of Ubuntu. In the latest round of the South African leg of the Afrobarometer Survey, a substantial majority (88%) of respondents reported distrust of foreigners living in their country. This figure, which was recorded in 2011, is five percentage points higher than the 83% who displayed this sentiment in 2008, when the country experienced its worst xenophobia outbreak to date.
Confronting the “Triple challenge”
Findings on poverty, inequality and unemployment from Afrobarometer Surveys in South Africa.
Les Ivoiriens indiquent la voie de la réconciliation nationale et de la cohésion sociale
D’après la plus récente enquête d’Afrobaromètre en Côte d’Ivoire, la majorité des ivoiriens optent pour le pardon, la confession et l’amnistie comme solutions à la réconciliation nationale.
La situation des ex-combattants préoccupe les Ivoiriens
Selon la plus récente enquête d’Afrobaromètre en Côte d’Ivoire, sept Ivoiriens sur dix (69%) suggèrent que les ex-combattants soient insérés par le financement d’activités génératrices de revenu.
Réconciliation nationale, élection présidentielle 2015 apaisée en Côte d’Ivoire
Résultats de la 6ème série des enquêtes Afrobaromètre en Côte d’Ivoire (2014).
AD14: In Malawi, women lag in political participation; support for women’s leadership declines
In Malawi, women lag in political participation; support for women’s leadership declines
In Malawi, women lag in political participation; support for women’s leadership declines
Despite being led by a female president for almost two years, Malawian women are less likely to be involved in political discussions and show less interest in public affairs than their male counterparts, according to a 2014 Afrobarometer survey.