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Showing 101 – 110 of 1070
AD850: In Mauritius, courts and police confront weakened public trust amid persistent perceptions of corruption
Majority of citizens say sentences given to powerful people who break the law are too lenient.
AD849: Namibians grow more dissatisfied with government’s efforts on electricity provision
Fewer than four in 10 citizens enjoy a reliable supply of power.
AD848: Les violences et discriminations envers les femmes posent toujours des défis au Bénin
La majorité des citoyens veulent que la police et les tribunaux fassent plus pour protéger les femmes et les filles contre la discrimination et le har
AD847: Kenyans applaud government’s COVID-19 response, but want more relief for the vulnerable
More than half of households report losing a primary source of income due to the pandemic.
AD846: Zambians demand presidential accountability
Majority of citizens say the country’s law requiring leaders to publicly declare their assets should be strengthened.
AD845: Pollution et gouvernance environnementale : Les Mauritaniens insatisfaits des actions gouvernementales
Environ six citoyens sur 10 (58%) considèrent que le gouvernement est le premier responsable de la réduction de la pollution et de la propreté dans le
AD844: Basotho overwhelmingly lack medical aid, support government provision of universal health coverage
Majority say they worry ‘a lot’ about obtaining or affording medical care when they need it.
AD843: Zambian youth want the government to prioritise management of the economy
Majority say country’s economic condition is bad, but two-thirds expect things to get better in the near future.
AD842: Mozambicans praise government’s COVID-19 response but claim unfair distribution of aid
Majority say the government should invest more in preparations for future health emergencies.
AD841: Citizens in Congo-Brazzaville complain about police corruption, lack of professionalism
Only a small minority say the police operate in a professional manner and respect all people’s rights.