- A majority of Sierra Leoneans prefer democracy over any other form of government. Nine out of 10 citizens (92%) prefer to choose their leaders through regular, open, and honest elections.
- About two-thirds (64%) of citizens support multiparty competition, an increase of 10 percentage points from 2012.
- Overwhelming majorities of Sierra Leoneans reject non-democratic alternatives such as one–party rule (93%), one–man rule (88%), and military rule (82%).
- A majority (55%) of Sierra Leoneans favour an accountable government over one that is efficient but not subject to citizen influence. This proportion has increased by 12 percentage points since 2012.
- A majority (54%) of citizens say the opposition should cooperate with the government, while 41% say the opposition should monitor the government and hold it accountable.
Sierra Leoneans express growing support for multiparty politics, accountable government, and presidential term limits, according to the latest Afrobarometer survey (2015) in the country.
On all three indicators, public support has increased since the previous survey in 2012. In addition, a majority of Sierra Leoneans support democracy and reject non-democratic alternatives such as one-party rule, one-man rule, and military rule, survey findings show. But despite three successful general elections since the end of the civil war in 2002, a plurality of citizens say they are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in the country.
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