Showing 56 – 60 of 140
Mounting protests in Sudan highlight the rise of Africa’s activist generation
By K. Riva Levinson, president and CEO of KRL International LLC, a D.C.-based consultancy that works in the world’s emerging markets, award-winning author of "Choosing the Hero: My Improbable Journey and the Rise of Africa's First Woman President" (Kiwai Media, June 2016). You can follow her @rivalevinson.
4 in 10 Africans are deeply committed to democracy. That’s the good news.
Afrobarometer finds that the level of commitment varies dramatically by country. Here’s the breakdown.
The Gambia: AB’s ‘new kid on the block’ with well-demarcated streets and houses
By Edem Selormey; Afrobarometer's field operations manager for anglophone West Africa and East and North Africa.
With Integrity Idol, we’re celebrating the hidden heroes of public service
This opinion piece was written by Jean Scrimgeour, Strategy and Operations Manager and Faith Pienaar, Non-Profit Management Fellow of the Accountability Lab.
The ‘local GPS’ in São Tomé and Príncipe
By Edem Selormey; Afrobarometer's field operations manager for anglophone West Africa and East and North Africa.