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Youth Perspectives in Africa: what are the most important issues for 18 to 35 year olds?

Published in the European Commission JRC Technical Report 2020
1 May 2020
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Authored by Kalantaryan, S and McMahon, S

Youth is a cross-cutting priority for the European Union and is particularly important for the Strategy with Africa and the European Consensus on Development. Against this backdrop, this report presents findings from a project examining the opinions of young Africans on a range of topics. The focus here is on the primary concerns of people aged between 18 and 35 years of age, analysing data from the Afrobarometer survey from 34 countries. Specifically, we examine the question: In your opinion, what are the most important problems facing this country that government should address? This analysis of the most important problems of young people in Africa provides a broad picture of the salience of different issues for different groups and countries.

Access the original publication here.