Afrobarometer is seeking a service provider to assist in the design, content development, and production of digital and print versions of the organisation’s 2022 Annual Review.
Service providers responding to this TOR should have experience in marketing and/or public relations communications and in designing and creating high-quality publications with visual appeal and information graphics/data visualisation. They must be willing to work collaboratively with Afrobarometer to facilitate production and fine-tuning of the final product.
Background to AB
Afrobarometer (AB) is a pan-African, non-partisan research organisation that conducts public attitude surveys in 30+ countries. AB provides reliable data on African experiences, evaluations, and aspirations regarding democracy, governance, and quality of life.
Historically, high-quality data have been in short supply on the continent. Official government statistics are of variable quality, reliability, and coverage. Experts, political leaders, researchers, pundits, and external actors often claim knowledge and hold opinions about Africans without direct or nuanced understanding of their values, preferences, and thinking. The growth of new and more viral forms of information dissemination further fuels polarisation and conflict.
Global and regional agendas for peace and prosperity, such as the UN SDGs, require an evidence base to inform, prioritise, and target interventions. AB fills the data gaps by conducting surveys using rigorous protocols and cutting-edge social science methods. AB institutionalises citizen voice in public policy making, contributing to informed problem solving and intelligent employment of Africa’s great resources and talents.
AB has a small secretariat based in Accra, Ghana, and three Core Partners in Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya that oversee 38 National Partners, who conduct AB surveys. Support Units at the University of Cape Town and Michigan State University provide data management and analysis expertise.
Achievements so far include:
● 39 countries covered
● 23 years of longitudinal data and analysis
● 350,000+ interviews completed, representative of four-fifths of the African population ● AB data are geolocated and can be disaggregated, for instance by region, gender, urban-rural location, education, and age.
The objective of Afrobarometer’s Annual Review
The Annual Review is a key output for Afrobarometer for the following reasons:
- It showcases our work and results over the past year.
- As a registered non-profit organisation, AB uses the review to enhance transparency for our stakeholders.
Key tasks
- Design layout
- Populate with content
- Finalise based on AB feedback
Participation and reviewing
Afrobarometer has designated its director of communications, digital portfolio manager, head of publications, and finance manager to lead the production of the Annual Review. Reporting will be through the director of communications.
- Detailed outline of structure and content of review as well as production timeline
- A draft of the publication designed with content, data, and photos for AB to review. Thereafter, amended documents with up to three rounds of reviews based on AB feedback.
- Documentation of final graphic design concept for printable booklet version — comprehensive page layouts
- Completed documents (in English and French)in printable PDF booklet format
- Completed documents (in English and French) in digital PDF format to be uploaded to Issuu.
This call for proposals opens on 28 October 2022 and will end on Friday, 25 November 2022. The vendor selection process will begin thereafter.
Application process
Interested service providers should submit an Expression of Interest indicating their relevant competence, evidence of creative work in publication design, two references, a proposed work plan, and a total estimated cost in USD by 25 November 2022 to: