The deadline to apply for the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program has been extended to October 31, 2022. The deadline for recommendation letters has been extended until November 7, 2022. The Reagan-Fascell program is an international exchange program that offers five-month fellowships to leading democracy activists, journalists, civil society leaders, and scholars from around the world to conduct independent projects at the National Endowment for Democracy. During their time at NED’s International Forum for Democratic Studies, in Washington D.C., fellows reflect on their experiences and consider lessons learned; conduct independent research and writing; engage with colleagues and counterparts in the United States, and build ties with a global network of democracy advocates.
Eligibility: The program is intended primarily for practitioners from developing and aspiring democracies, and those from nondemocratic countries. Distinguished scholars from the United States and other established democracies are also eligible to apply. Practitioners include activists, journalists, lawyers, and civil society professionals who have substantial experience in their field. Scholars include professors, researchers, and other writers who have a Ph.D. or academic equivalent at the time of application. A working knowledge of English is required.
Support: Fellows receive monthly payments to cover living expenses, plus basic health insurance, travel reimbursement, and research support.
Fellowship Dates: Fall Session: October 1, 2023–February 29, 2024; Spring Session: March 1–July 31, 2024.
Extended Deadline: Monday, October 31, 2022
For more information and to apply, visit