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Showing 111 – 120 of 120
AD10: Crime and security in East Africa: Burundians feel most secure
Crime and security in East Africa: Burundians feel most secure
Basotho cling to their independence in spite of serious political and economic challenges
Most Basotho, protective of their independence, are against intervention or assistance from neighbouring southern African countries to guarantee free elections and prevent human rights abuses in their country, according to the latest Afrobarometer survey.
BP146: East African Federation: Tanzanian awareness of economic and political integration remains poor, but there is growing support for political links
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 146
Participation, communautaire et citoyenneté, modèle de développement et influence de la Chine en Guinée
Résultats de la 5éme séries d'enquêtes en Guinée.
Basotho believe South Africa relationship is key
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Lesotho in 2012.
Attitudes toward local, regional and national government, Namibia
Findings from the Round 5 survey in Namibia between 2012-2013.
Status of the economy, constitutional implementation, and the East African Community
Results from the Afrobarometer Round 5 Survey in Kenya (2011).
BP90: Integration in East Africa: Uninformed Kenyans oppose political federation
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 90
WP117: African perspectives on China-Africa: Gauging popular perceptions and their economic and political determinants
African perspectives on China-Africa: Gauging popular perceptions and their economic and political determinants
BP54: East African Federation: Tanzanians favor greater economic integration, but wary of stronger political links
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 54