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Showing 71 – 80 of 977
AD789: O descontentamento da juventude angolana é marcado pela preocupação com a saúde, o desemprego, a insegurança alimentar e hídrica
AD789: Angolan youth’s discontent marked by concern about health, jobs, food and water insecurity
Most disapprove of the government’s performance on their priority issues.
AD781: Ghanaians want fair and competitive elections, but mistrust the electoral commission
Citizens’ confidence in election management body is at lowest level recorded in two decades of surveys.
AD777: Les Burkinabè partagés entre la gouvernance démocratique et le régime militaire
La majorité des citoyens se disent insatisfaits du fonctionnement de la démocratie dans le pays.
AD770: Eswatini losing the fight against corruption, according to its citizens
Most citizens say reporting corruption risks retaliation and is unlikely to lead to government action.
Afrobarometer CEO highlights crucial role of data in effective governance
News release
Majority of Sudanese believe resources intended for COVID-19 response were lost to corruption
News release
AD755: Zambians laud government’s response to COVID-19 but believe resources lost to corruption
Majority say relief assistance was distributed unfairly.
Sudanese see pollution as a serious problem affecting their communities, Afrobarometer survey shows
News release
Climate change a priority for action in Sudan – among those who have heard of it
News release