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AD671: Economic conditions worsen in Eswatini; citizens cite poor government performance
More than eight in 10 say the country is going in “the wrong direction.”
AD670: Os Cabo-verdianos veem a violência baseada no género como a questão mais importante dos direitos das mulheres
Constitui praticamente uma unanimidade a defender que não se justifica nunca os homens usarem a força física contra as suas esposas.
AD669: Batswana say citizens and government must act to protect the environment
Most call for tighter regulation of natural resource extraction.
Majority of Batswana say chieftainship should not be abolished, but a chief who wants to enter politics should renounce his position
News release
AD668: Zambians laud government crime-fighting efforts but cite police for lack of professionalism
Majority of citizens say ‘most’ or ‘all’ officers are corrupt.
AD667: Zambians say vulnerable children lack needed help in the community
Poor citizens most likely to see child abuse and neglect as frequent, resources as inadequate
AD665: Amid increased insecurity, Gambians cite corruption and lack of professionalism among police shortcomings
Government’s job performance ratings on crime reduction plummet.
AD664: Em Angola, a maioria dos residentes rurais está privada do acesso à rede eléctrica
Dois terços dos cidadãos dizem que o governo está a prestar um mau serviço no fornecimento de energia elétrica confiável.
AD664: Lack of access, connection to the electric grid still plagues most rural residents in Angola
Two-thirds of citizens say government is doing a poor job of providing electricity.
AD662: En pleine crise sécuritaire, les Burkinabè font également face à des défis économiques
A côté de bilans sombres, les citoyens gardent de l’espoir.