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Showing 281 – 288 of 288
Working paper
WP65: Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
Briefing paper
BP45: The public agenda: Change and stability in South Africans’ ratings of national priorities
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 45
Briefing paper
BP41: Is South Africa’s public service “user friendly”?
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 41
Working paper
WP57: Support for democracy in Malawi: Does schooling matter?
Support for democracy in Malawi: Does schooling matter?
Working paper
WP54: Democracy and primary school attendance: Aggregate and individual level evidence from Africa
Democracy and primary school attendance: Aggregate and individual level evidence from Africa
Briefing paper
BP14: AIDS and public opinion in South Africa
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 14
Briefing paper
BP12: Public opinion and HIV/AIDS: Facing up to the future?
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 12
Working paper
WP21: Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa through the eyes of ordinary Southern Africans
Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa through the eyes of ordinary Southern Africans