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Showing 31 – 40 of 442
AD860: Despite gains, majority of Basotho experienced moderate or high lived poverty
More than four in 10 say they had to ask for help from friends or neighbours to make ends meet.
Zimbabweans have little confidence in the new ZiG currency, say government is performing poorly in managing the economy
News release
AD856: Unemployment tops the list of youth concerns in Congo-Brazzaville
Like their elders, most young citizens think the country is headed in “the wrong direction."
La majorité des Béninois continuent de connaître des pénuries de biens de première nécessité
Communiqué de presse
AD843: Zambian youth want the government to prioritise management of the economy
Majority say country’s economic condition is bad, but two-thirds expect things to get better in the near future.
La jeunesse tunisienne est réticente envers certains emplois, mais est attirée par l’entreprenariat
Communiqué de presse
Les Béninois ne sont pas contents de la situation économique de leur pays et de leurs conditions de vie
Communiqué de presse
AD833: Keeping up with the people’s agenda: Popular priorities for government action, and how they are evolving
Africans’ list of most important problems shows heightened concern about economic management and crime/security.
AD833: Au diapason des soucis des citoyens : Les priorités populaires d’action gouvernementale et leur évolution
La liste des problèmes les plus importants des Africains montre une préoccupation accrue concernant la gestion économique et la criminalité/sécurité.
AD828: Emaswati youth rank unemployment top of the priority list, think greater efforts are needed
Government gets failing marks on job creation and other youth concerns.