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Showing 801 – 810 of 877
WP67: Public opinion research in emerging democracies: Are the processes different?
Public opinion research in emerging democracies: Are the processes different?
WP66: Ethnic fractionalization, electoral institutions, and Africans’ political attitudes
Ethnic fractionalization, electoral institutions, and Africans’ political attitudes
BP47: Les Malgaches et la politique: quelques enseignements tirés des enquêtes Afrobaromètre de 2005
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 47
WP65: Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
BP46: Performance and legitimacy in Nigeria’s new democracy
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 46
BP40: The status of democracy, 2005-2006: Findings from Afrobarometer Round 3 for 18 countries
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 40
WP64: Crime and support for democracy: Revisiting modernization theory
Crime and support for democracy: Revisiting modernization theory
WP63: Voters but not yet citizens: The weak demand for vertical acountability in Africa’s unclaimed democracies
Voters but not yet citizens: The weak demand for vertical acountability in Africa's unclaimed democracies
BP38: Local government and democracy in Lesotho
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 38
BP37: Changing attitudes toward democracy in Lesotho
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 37