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Showing 41 – 50 of 1070
AD902: Namibians head for elections with confidence in the freedom of their press
Most citizens want media to play a watchdog role over government.
AD901: South Africans embrace diversity, but trust between citizens is lacking
Tolerance is high for religious, ethnic, political, and sexual differences, but lower for immigrants.
AD900: Nigerians view religious leaders as more trustworthy, less corrupt than public institutions
Most citizens express tolerant attitudes toward people of other religions.
AD899: Basotho want Parliament to heed voters’ demands but see MPs as serving their own interests
Most citizens say representatives never listen to ordinary people.
AD898: Mozambicans favour multiparty competition, increasingly feel distant from political parties
Three-fourths of citizens see opposition’s role as cooperation with government rather than scrutiny.
AD897: In Namibia, trust in National Assembly sinks to new low, along with performance ratings
Only one in six citizens say elected representatives listen to their constituents.
AD896: Time to clean up our act: Africans demand more government action on environmental protection, regulation of natural resource extraction
Two-thirds of citizens say environmental pollution is a serious problem in their communities.
AD896: Les Africains demandent plus d’action sur la protection de l’environnement et la régulation de l’extraction des ressources naturelles
Deux tiers des citoyens déclarent que la pollution de l'environnement est un problème grave dans leurs communautés.
AD895: Les priorités des jeunes malgaches : La gestion de l’économie, l’insécurité et les infrastructures
Seulement une minorité de jeunes sont satisfaits des performances de leur gouvernement sur leurs premières priorités.
AD894: Kenyans want their democracy with term limits for the president
Support for two-term maximum has been strong for more than a decade.