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Showing 31 – 40 of 135
AD275: Nigerians support elections and multiparty competition but mistrust electoral commission
Nigeria’s election: Citizens support multiparty competition but mistrust electoral commission.
AD231: One in three Nigerians have considered emigration, most to find economic opportunity
One in three Nigerians have considered emigration, most to find economic opportunity
AD207: Nigerians optimistic about economic outlook despite persistent poverty, inadequate services
Nigerians optimistic about economic outlook despite persistent poverty, inadequate services
WP180: Police-citizen interaction in Africa: An exploration of factors that influence victims’ reporting of crimes
Police-citizen interaction in Africa: An exploration of factors that influence victims’ reporting of crimes.
AD199: Nigerians worried about violent clashes, praise government efforts to address armed extremism
Violent extremism: Nigerians praise government and military efforts but report high levels of fear and personal experience of such violence.
Nigeria Round 7 summary of results
Summary of results for the Afrobarometer Round 7 survey in Nigeria in 2017
AD196: Who’s watching? Voters seen as key in holding elected officials accountable
Who’s watching? Voters seen as key in holding elected officials accountable
AD187: In Nigeria, perceived corruption remains high despite praise for president’s anti-graft fight
In Nigeria, perceived corruption remains high despite praise for president’s anti-graft fight
WP177: One team, one nation: Football, ethnic identity, and conflict in Africa
One team, one nation: Football, ethnic identity, and conflict in Africa
PP43: Tax compliance Africans affirm civic duty but lack trust in tax department
Policy Paper 43