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Showing 71 – 80 of 132
BP75: A country turning blue?: Political party support and the end of regionalism in Malawi
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 75
BP74: Spot the difference: A comparison of presidents and governments’ Performance Since 1999 in Malawi
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 74
WP115: Support you can count on? Ethnicity, partisanship, and retrospective voting in Africa
Support you can count on? Ethnicity, partisanship, and retrospective voting in Africa
WP113: Religious faith and democracy: Evidence from the Afrobarometer surveys
Religious faith and democracy: Evidence from the Afrobarometer surveys
WP112: National versus ethnic identity in Africa: State, group, and individual level correlates of national identification
National versus ethnic identity in Africa: State, group, and individual level correlates of national identification
WP111: Weak states and political violence in sub-Saharan Africa
Weak states and political violence in sub-Saharan Africa
WP110: Looking toward the future: Alternations in power and popular perspectives on democratic durability in Africa
Looking toward the future: Alternations in power and popular perspectives on democratic durability in Africa
WP109: The limited impacts of formal education on democratic citizenship in Africa
The limited impacts of formal education on democratic citizenship in Africa
Popular attitudes toward democracy in Malawi: A summary of Afrobarometer indicators (1999-2008)
A summary of popular attitudes regarding the demand for and supply of democracy in Malawi.
WP108: The quality of democracy and governance in Africa: New results from Afrobarometer Round 4
The quality of democracy and governance in Africa: New results from Afrobarometer Round 4