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Showing 51 – 60 of 132
BP126: Are Malawian adults turning pink? Exploring public opinion on women’s political leadership
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 126
BP125: Examining the relevance of political parties in Malawi
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 125
BP121: A tale of two presidents: Assessments of ‘Chitsulo Cha Njanje’ and ‘Amayi’ in Malawi
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 121
BP120: Trapped in underdevelopment: The permanence of poverty and food insecurity in Malawi
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 120
WP139: Exploiting the poor: Bureaucratic corruption and poverty in Africa
Exploiting the poor: Bureaucratic corruption and poverty in Africa
WP136: Political participation of Africa’s youth: Turnout, partisanship and protest
Political participation of Africa’s youth: Turnout, partisanship and protest
WP133: Too poor to care? The salience of AIDS in Africa
Too poor to care? The salience of AIDS in Africa
WP130: When politicians cede control of resources: Land, chiefs and coalition-building in Africa
When politicians cede control of resources: Land, chiefs and coalition-building in Africa
WP129: Mapping ideologies in African landscapes
Mapping ideologies in African landscapes
WP128: The roots of resilience: Exploring popular support for African traditional authorities
The roots of resilience: Exploring popular support for African traditional authorities