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Showing 81 – 90 of 92
WP75: Testing mechanisms of influence: Education and support for democracy in sub-Saharan Africa
Testing mechanisms of influence: Education and support for democracy in sub-Saharan Africa
WP74: Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators
Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators
WP73: The micro-dynamics of welfare state retrenchment and the implications for citizenship in Africa
The micro-dynamics of welfare state retrenchment and the implications for citizenship in Africa
WP71: A vicious circle of corruption and mistrust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: A micro-level analysis
A vicious circle of corruption and mistrust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: A micro-level analysis
BP47: Les Malgaches et la politique: quelques enseignements tirés des enquêtes Afrobaromètre de 2005
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 47
WP65: Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
Are you being served? Popular satisfaction with health and education services in Africa
WP63: Voters but not yet citizens: The weak demand for vertical acountability in Africa’s unclaimed democracies
Voters but not yet citizens: The weak demand for vertical acountability in Africa's unclaimed democracies
WP61: Citizens and the State in Africa: New results from Afrobarometer Round 3
Citizens and the State in Africa: New results from Afrobarometer Round 3
BP24: Accès aux services publics et conditions économiques : Des inégalités entre les riches et les pauvres…mais pas de discriminations ethniques à Madagascar
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 24
BP23: La démocratie à Madagascar : un soutien marqué mais un fonctionnement à améliorer
Afrobarometer Briefing Paper No. 23