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Showing 71 – 80 of 88
WP87: Young and old in sub-Saharan Africa: Who are the real democrats?
Young and old in sub-Saharan Africa: Who are the real democrats?
WP86: Corruption, institutional discredit, and exclusion of the poor: A poverty trap
Corruption, institutional discredit, and exclusion of the poor: A poverty trap
WP84: Quality of elections, satisfaction with democracy, and political trust in Africa
Quality of elections, satisfaction with democracy, and political trust in Africa
WP83: Ethnicity as a political cleavage
Ethnicity as a political cleavage
WP80: Political rights versus public goods: Uncovering the determinants of satisfaction
Political rights versus public goods: Uncovering the determinants of satisfaction
WP79: Political transition, corruption, and income inequality in third wave democracies
Political transition, corruption, and income inequality in third wave democracies
WP75: Testing mechanisms of influence: Education and support for democracy in sub-Saharan Africa
Testing mechanisms of influence: Education and support for democracy in sub-Saharan Africa
WP74: Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators
Legitimating beliefs: Sources and indicators
WP73: The micro-dynamics of welfare state retrenchment and the implications for citizenship in Africa
The micro-dynamics of welfare state retrenchment and the implications for citizenship in Africa
WP71: A vicious circle of corruption and mistrust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: A micro-level analysis
A vicious circle of corruption and mistrust in institutions in sub-Saharan Africa: A micro-level analysis