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Showing 1411 – 1420 of 2074
AD115: Performance des députés et conseillers locaux: Au service des électeurs ou de leurs propres intérêts?
Dépêche No. 115 d’Afrobaromètre
AD115: Job performance of MPs, local councillors: Are representatives serving voters or themselves?
Job performance of MPs, local councillors: Are representatives serving voters or themselves?
Gabon violence reflects longstanding and deep mistrust of election handling
As featured in The Conversation-Africa
PP35: La gestion des élections en Afrique: Qualité des processus, confiance publique sont des questions centrales
Synthèse de Politique No. 35, Afrobaromètre
PP35: Election quality, public trust are central issues for Africa’s upcoming contests
Policy Paper 35
AD114: Facing drought, can Zimbabwe improve on history of food shortage, poor management?
Facing drought, can Zimbabwe improve on history of food shortage, poor management?
AD113: Zimbabweans strongly favour free cross-border movement but hold mixed views of SADC
Zimbabweans strongly favour free cross-border movement but hold mixed views of SADC
People and corruption: Middle East and North Africa survey 2016
People and corruption: Middle East and North Africa survey 2016
AD112: Des institutions dignes de confiance impactent-elles le développement en Afrique?
Des institutions dignes de confiance impactent-elles le développement en Afrique?
AD112: Do trustworthy institutions matter for development? Corruption, trust, and government performance in Africa
Do trustworthy institutions matter for development? Corruption, trust, and government performance in Africa