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Showing 71 – 80 of 2090
AD894: Kenyans want their democracy with term limits for the president
Support for two-term maximum has been strong for more than a decade.
AD893: Cameroonians see gender-based violence as a key women’s-rights issue but tolerate use of physical force against wives
About half of citizens say violence against women and girls is a common occurrence in their community.
AD893: Les Camerounais considèrent la violence sexiste comme un enjeu majeur mais tolèrent l’usage de la force contre les femmes
Environ la moitié des citoyens déclarent que la violence faite aux femmes et aux filles est un phénomène courant dans leur communauté.
AD892: Kenyans applaud government on electricity provision, but many rural and poor households still lack access to the grid
Majority of citizens support investment in wind and solar technologies, even if it leads to higher electricity prices.
AD891: A travers l’Afrique, la confiance populaire envers les principaux dirigeants et institutions s’étiole
Moins de la moitié des citoyens déclarent faire confiance à leur président, au Parlement, aux tribunaux et à la police.
AD891: Across Africa, public trust in key institutions and leaders is weakening
Fewer than half of citizens say they trust their president, Parliament, courts of law, and police.
Zimbabwe Round 10 summary of results
Summary of results for the Afrobarometer Round 10 survey in Zimbabwe in 2024
AD890: Les Malgaches approuvent la gestion de la COVID-19 par le gouvernement, mais doutent de sa préparation pour de futures crises sanitaires
La majorité des citoyens réclament plus d’investissements dans le secteur.
AD889: Mozambican youth’s dissatisfaction marked by concern about water insecurity, jobs
Young citizens are more educated than their elders, but also more likely to be unemployed.
WP205: ‘God is my refuge’: Do education and news consumption prompt Africans to put more trust in the COVID-19 vaccine than in prayer?
Majority place greater faith in religion than vaccine science.