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AD935: Majority of Kenyans believe country is headed in the wrong direction, cite government’s poor handling of the economy
Many say they had to ask for help from relatives, friends, or neighbours to make ends meet.
AD934: Emaswati see gender-based violence as foremost women’s-rights issue to address
Most citizens reject the use of physical force to discipline women and consider domestic violence a criminal rather than a private matter.
AD933: Youth priorities in Seychelles: The economy and drug abuse
Young citizens are more positive than their elders in their appraisals of the economy, their living conditions, and prospects for improvement.
AD932: Majority of Mauritians want their MPs to prioritise voter demands rather than their own ideas
Citizens back parliamentarians’ lead role in making laws, holding prime minister accountable.
AD931: Despite mixed assessments of living conditions, Tanzanians say country is on the right path
In substantial numbers, citizens still experience shortages of basic life necessities.
AD930: Les Nigériens font confiance à la police, mais relèvent des failles comme la corruption et l’usage excessif de la force
Une proportion croissante de citoyens déclarent se sentir en insécurité et craindre la criminalité.
AD930: Nigeriens express trust in police, but highlight corruption and excessive force as failings
Growing share of citizens report feeling unsafe and fearing crime.
Gambia Round 10 summary of results
Summary of results for the Afrobarometer Round 10 survey in Gambia, 2024
AD929: Ugandans give government mixed marks on education, see it as a priority to address
More than half voice dissatisfaction with their district or city council’s efforts to provide education services at the local level.
AD928: Entretien routier, confiance envers le gouvernement de Transition et désir de démocratie en Guinée
L’approbation de la performance gouvernementale en matière d’entretien des routes et ponts a plus que quadruplé depuis 2019.