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Summary of results

Popular attitudes toward democracy in Senegal: A summary of Afrobarometer indicators (2002-2008)

A summary of popular attitudes regarding the demand for and supply of democracy in Senegal.
4 May 2009 Senegal
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This document provides a summary of popular attitudes regarding the demand for and supply of democracy in Senegal as revealed over the course of three Afrobarometer surveys conducted between 2002 and 2008 (Nov.-Dec. 2002, N=1200; Sep.-Oct. 2005, N=1200; May-June 2008, N=1200). Samples of this size yield a margin of error of +/- 3 percent at a confidence level of 95 percent. The charts that follow capture perceptions of:

  • The meaning of democracy;
  • The demand for democracy (including individual support for democracy, patience with democracy and rejection of military rule, one-party rule, and one-man rule);
  • Support for democratic institutions (including attitudes towards elections, term limits, multiparty rule, and checks on presidential powers); and
  • The supply of democracy (including satisfaction with democracy and the perceived extent of democracy, quality of elections and the protection of key freedoms).