For many Zimbabweans, life in the last few years has been nasty, brutish and sometimes short, but there is now a flicker of light at the end of a dark and long tunnel. Things started really falling apart in 2008 with the unprecedented cholera outbreak that claimed more than 4 000 lives and infected over 100 000 others. Zimbabwe stood at the edge of a precipice with health centres and schools closed, shops displaying empty shelves, acute shortages of food and other basic essentials, and rampant politically-motivated violence and human rights violations. Then in February 2009 a coalition government (dubbed the Inclusive Government (IG)) was formed, consummating a Global Political Agreement (GPA) signed in September 2008 by the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the two Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) formations. The Afrobarometer Round 4 survey on which this bulletin is based was conducted in May 2009, three months after the installation of the IG. Below we present the findings.