Indicators of popular demand for democracy and mass perceptions of the supply of democracy constitute signature items for the Afrobarometer. We have reported elsewhere trends in these aspects of public opinion for 12 countries across three rounds of surveys, 1999-2006. (see “Where is Africa Going? Views from Below,” Afrobarometer Working Paper No. 60, Sections 2.2 to 2.4). This Briefing Paper is intended to supplement these findings by providing more detailed results for the same set of questions (plus two new questions) across all 18 countries that now participate in the project. The findings presented here are limited to those collected during the third round of Afrobarometer surveys, conducted in 2005-2006. Figures 1 through 12 present summary statistics for each question with countries in rank order, while Tables 1 through 3 present detailed results for all questions.
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