The Government of Tanzania has been battling against corruption since the early days of independence, and the efforts have been re-doubled in the last seven years with the adoption of a new and comprehensive anti-corruption strategy. Is the Tanzanian public rating these government efforts as a success?
The Afrobarometer has been tracking public attitudes about the prevalence of corruption and their ratings of the government’s efforts to combat this problem since 2001. This bulletin reports the findings of the most recent, 2005, Afrobarometer survey on a variety of issues relating to corruption, including public understandings of what constitutes corruption, evaluations of the government’s anti-corruption efforts, the perceived extent of corruption among various individuals and institutions of government, how citizens respond to demands for illegal payments, the extent of corruption in the electoral process, and finally, the ability of the government to enforce its laws against corruption and other criminal activity. Overall, the findings suggest that the government may be achieving at least modest success via its current efforts; public perceptions of its efforts to combat the problem are improving, while reported experiences with corruption appear to be on the decline.
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