- China ranks as the second-most-popular model, after France, for the future development of Tunisia.
- While China is perceived as one of the best models for their country’s development, Tunisian citizens consider China far less influential than France and the United States.
- Half (50%) of Tunisians say that China has “a lot” of influence on their country’s economy. Tunisians are about evenly divided as to whether this influence is positive (42%) or negative (39%).
- A plurality (47%) of Tunisians say that China’s economic development assistance helps meet their country’s needs, while only 19% disagree.
- The main factors that contribute to a good image of China in Tunisia are economic, led by the low cost of Chinese products.
Tunisians look up to China, the world’s largest economy, as a model for the future development of their country but consider it far less influential in Tunisia than France and the United States, according to Afrobarometer survey results.
Public perceptions are divided as to whether China’s economic and political influence on Tunisia is positive or negative. As for China’s economic development assistance, a plurality (47%) of Tunisians say it helps meet the country’s needs, while about half as many (19%) disagree.
Results of the 2015 survey show that China’s image in Tunisia is mainly formed by economic factors, such as the low cost and low quality of products.
These findings are relevant as Tunisia confronts serious economic problems and looks for foreign investment to revive the economy.