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Richard Houessou

Network staff
Richard is the senior project manager


Richard Houessou is the Senior Project Manager for francophone
countries. He holds a master degree in Economics and Statistics
from Institut de Recherche Empirique en Economie Politique, Benin
and a degree in Mathematics from Université d’Abomey Calavi,
Benin. His fields of research are in economic development, political
economy with a specific focus on the use of experimental methods.
With roughly 15 years of conducting field research on the continent,
Mr Houessou has demonstrated expertise in both quantitative and
qualitative methods.

In 2012, he joined Afrobarometer as the Project Manager for
Francophone and has been overseeing the region for more than 10
years. His job with Afrobarometer has also enhanced his knowledge
in the use of quantitative methods to measure public opinion in
democracy and governance.


AD731: Les Africains estiment que le bien-être des enfants vulnérables peut s’améliorer
11 Nov 2023
AD731: Africans see room to improve well-being of vulnerable children
11 Nov 2023
Policy paper
PP82: Profile and determinants of lived poverty in Benin
19 Oct 2022
AD198: Tolerance in Benin: Progress and challenges
13 Apr 2018
AD198: La tolérance sociale au Bénin: Acquis et défis
13 Apr 2018
Policy paper
PP45: Local governance in Benin: A guarantee of sustainable development?
29 Mar 2018
Policy paper
PP45: La municipalité au Bénin: Une institution garante de développement durable?
29 Mar 2018
AD153: Les changements climatiques détériorent la production agricole et la vie, selon les Béninois
20 Jun 2017
AD146: Au Bénin, les citoyens préfèrent limiter les mandats présidentiels à deux – pas à un seul
15 May 2017
Policy paper
PP31: En dépit des progrès, les soins de santé demeurent une haute priorité des Africains
7 Apr 2016
Policy paper
PP31: Despite gains, barriers keep health care high on Africa’s priority list
7 Apr 2016
AD62: Madagascar: En moitié africain, entièrement malgache
25 Feb 2022
Policy paper
PP28: Are policy reforms enough to improve satisfaction with health care? Evidence from Benin
3 Nov 2015
AD17: Les Béninois notent sévèrement le gouvernement dans la lutte contre la corruption
19 Mar 2015
AD33: Les Béninois évaluent les députés de l’Assemblée Nationale et leurs demandent de contrôler les actions du gouvernement
3 Jun 2015
AD31: Les Béninois soutiennent la démocratie mais décrient sa mise en oeuvre actuelle
1 Jun 2015
Policy paper
PP11: La demande de démocratie augmente en Afrique, mais la plupart des dirigeants politiques ne répondent pas aux attente
23 Apr 2014
Policy paper
PP11: Demand for democracy is rising in Africa, but most political leaders fail to deliver
23 Apr 2014
AD16: Inadequate access, poor government performance make water a top priority in Africa
8 Mar 2015