Jan Hofmeyr
Network advisory council
Jan is the core partner director for Southern Africa at Afrobarometer
Jan Hofmeyr heads the Policy and Analysis Programme at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. He conducts and manages policy-orientated research and has a specific interest in the variables that affect social and economic inclusivity in transitional societies. He belongs to the Bertelsmann Foundation’s group of international Transformation Thinkers and has collaborated on the Foundation’s Transformation and Sustainable Governance Indices.
Areas of interest
AD474: South Africans’ trust in institutions and representatives reaches new low
Policy paper
PP2: L’Afrique en essor ? Le mécontentement populaire vis-à-vis de la gestion économique malgré une décennie de croissance
Policy paper
PP2: Africa rising? Popular dissatisfaction with economic management despite a decade of growth