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Boniface Dulani

Central management team
Boni is the director of surveys at Afrobarometer


Boniface Dulani is an associate professor of Political Science in the Department of Politics and Government at the University of Malawi. He joined Afrobarometer in 2008 as a graduate research assistant while earning his doctorate in political science at Michigan State University (MSU). In 2011, he became fieldwork operations manager for southern and francophone Africa. In 2020, he assumed the position of director of surveys at Afrobarometer.

Boni works closely with a survey team that includes a deputy director of surveys, senior progamme manager, network data manager-fieldwork and Afrobarometer’s program managers based at the Core Partners in Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to plan and manage all survey and fieldwork activities.

Boni has published and consulted widely on African politics, focusing mostly on Democracy and Governance; Political Economy Analysis, local development; education; public health; youth; participation of women in politics, to give but a few examples. His work on presidential term limits, executive succession, democracy, elections, Social movements, legislature and executive relations, tolerance, elections, Covid-19, among several topics,  has appeared in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes.

He is based in Zomba, Malawi, where he heads the Afrobarometer Survey Support Unit at the University of Malawi.

Areas of interest



AD743: Face à une corruption croissante, les Africains affirment risquer des représailles s’ils en parlent
6 Dec 2023
AD743: Amid rising corruption, most Africans say they risk retaliation if they speak up
6 Dec 2023
AD743: Diante do crescimento da corrupção, a maioria dos Africanos receiam sofrer retaliação, caso denunciem actos de corrupção
6 Dec 2023
External publication
African attitudes toward same-sex relationships, 1982–2018
1 Nov 2020
External publication
South Africans are demanding more of their leaders, and democracy
16 Feb 2016
External publication
Zambians firmly defend democracy. But will they stand up against Lungu?
23 Jul 2017
AD157: Zambia at a crossroads: Will citizens defend democracy?
19 Jul 2017
AD74: Bons vizinhos? Africanos expressam elevados níveis de tolerância para muitos, mas não para todos
1 Mar 2016
AD74: Good neighbours? Africans express high levels of tolerance for many, but not for all
1 Mar 2016
Policy paper
PP29: Dividende de la croissance? La pauvreté vécue décroit en Afrique
21 Jan 2016
Policy paper
PP29: Africa’s growth dividend? Lived poverty drops across much of the continent
21 Jan 2016
AD30: African publics strongly support term limits, resist leaders’ efforts to extend their tenure
21 Feb 2022
Policy paper
PP1: Après une décennie de croissance en Afrique, peu de changement de la pauvreté pour le peuple
1 Oct 2013
Policy paper
PP1: After a decade of growth in Africa, little change in poverty at the grassroots
1 Oct 2013
Policy paper
PP12: La démocratie Malienne se rétablit, le Régime militaire suscite encore une admiration
24 Apr 2014
Policy paper
PP12: Malian democracy recovering – Military rule still admired
1 May 2014
Policy paper
PP13: Les Maliens veulent un pays uni et que justice soit faite au lendemain du conflit
3 May 2014
Policy paper
PP13: Malians want a united country, post-conflict justice
2 May 2014
AD1: Malawi’s 2014 Elections: Amid concerns about fairness, outcome is too close to call
1 Jun 2014