ABCON – Research & Consulting is Afrobarometer’s national partner in Ethiopia.
ABCON is a full-service social, marketing, monitoring & evaluation, and opinion research firm operating in Ethiopia since 2005. Our research service portfolio covers research design (quantitative, qualitative or mix-method), sampling design, questionnaire design (including localization and content transition), electronic data collection (EDC), data analysis, data visualization, write-up, and dissemination of research results. ABCON is a member of ESOMAR the World Research Network and the Director is the National Representative of WAPOR, the World Association of Public Opinion Research.
By grounding its service delivery approach in mixed research paradigms and methods – quantitative and qualitative – ABCON’s Research, Analytics & Insights Unit has successfully 76 survey research projects involving more than 385,200 respondents for a number of local & international organizations viz., The World Bank, USAID, Interpeace, JICA, BBC Action Media, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), SNV, British Council, HiiL, SIAPAC, IZI Spa, Plan International, MEDA, ESHE etc
For the last nine years, ABCON has made progress in terms of embedding technology into survey research by using CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews) and CATI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing). Quality of data is enhanced through primarily rigorous design, pre-and pilot-testing, programming as well as close supervision in the field. ABCON has a presence throughout Ethiopia through Regional Associates and a network of qualified and experienced research assistants who can be mobilized with short notice for any fieldwork.